Music is an odd master. It makes you see things. It makes you feel things. It makes you do things. And if you possess talent … it takes you places. But of course … you have to supply the gas.
Rewind to early 1980’s, the film department of CW Post Center of Long Island University. It’s the place I first met the the “Hoov” … Geoff Hoover to be exact. Fellow film student, music lover and vinyl junkie. Because of our love of music and other mutual interests, we became fast friends.
Fast forward to present. In the time between Post and now, Geoff got married to Tatiana and they had three boys, Indiana Hoover, Texas Hoover, and Duke Hoover. It seems the talent gene runs deeply in the Hoover offspring. One of the musical offspring of “the boys” is The Salvation Band, The 1933,Indiana Hoover.
With Indiana Hoover writing and fronting the band, Texas Hoover, Cid Rivera, Duke Hoover, and Charles Von Rosenberg backing, they are a new voice in “American Music” waiting to take off. Literally. They are about to embark on their first US tour. Five young men, their equipment and a van. All they need is the gas. Enter KickStarter.
Kickstarter is an incredible website that tries to help people with a need. You create an account. Propose an idea. And try to get a minimum of $2,000.00 of funding. Once the 2K mark is hit, basically … the idea becomes funded for the amount pledged by individuals supporting the idea/project. In the case of the Salvation Band, they are trying to raise gas and food money to embark on their first tour. You can read more about the bands “project” and then you can pledge anything from $1.00 to $1,000.00. As of this writing the project is almost there. The band also offers incentives for funding folks, which you can see on the KickStart page.
I could go on and on about the quality of the writing, the heartfelt emotions of the singer, and so on … but you should decide for yourself. Give the Salvation Band a listen on their website, Facebook, or MySpace pages and then head off to KickStarter and pledge a few bucks if you can. Every dollar helps at this point to reach their goal, and go on tour.
Talent needs to be nurtured and supported. So let’s help a talented group of musicians reach a goal.
Listen. Love. Pledge.
Thanks … Joe
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