Tag: Vegan
Paws Of Mass Destruction or The Rude Boys @ 5 Months
Read more: Paws Of Mass Destruction or The Rude Boys @ 5 MonthsThey’ve only been here a short few months. They seemingly change every day. A new quirk here, a new scratch there, they are a source…
Vegan Keto & Intermittent Fasting : Down 60 : 32 To Go
Read more: Vegan Keto & Intermittent Fasting : Down 60 : 32 To GoLike everything in life—it’s a process. First comes a desire, and then a catalyst that creates a need. Mix in urgency & the outcome is…
Vegan Keto & Intermittent Fasting : Down 36 : 56 To Go
Read more: Vegan Keto & Intermittent Fasting : Down 36 : 56 To GoWaiting for a thing to happen doesn’t mean it necessarily will happen. Waiting for my chronic fatigue to magically disappear takes the onus off me…
Vegan Gains: The Journey Continues
Read more: Vegan Gains: The Journey ContinuesPoser! I’m not a poser by nature; using the British slang: “One who attempts to appear to others as something they are not, especially by their…
Vegan In Training
Read more: Vegan In TrainingVegan in training. Yup that’s what I am—on a few levels. I became a total vegan just a few months ago. From that aspect: I’m…