
Been posting a lot of ancient history lately. Could be that my 59th birthday is a day away. Could be that a lot of people have recently left this planet for parts unknown. Maybe I’m just bored. I’m certainly vain enough. Whatever the reason, I had to post these photos of me — joe streno — as photographed by Charlie Maraia circa 1982. Charlie was working as an assistant for a photographer in Manhattan at the time. I befriended Charlie when we were both attending CW Post on Long Island. Charlie and I did many things together, including traveling to England and France after we graduated Post.

Charlie set up the shoot and then photographed me in both 35mm color and in 2.25″ x 2.25″ black and white. These are the black and white photos. I had had a contact sheet of these photos, that I hand colored back in the 80s, probably shortly after Charlie developed the film. In later years I also mounted and framed the photos. But I never had scans of the original negatives, until Charlie eMailed me those last week! Thanks Charlie!

Joe Collage Shot by Charlie Maraia

I love being on either side of the camera. I’m a ham. I always try to do something interesting. Or at least I hope I do. But either way, it’s always a lot of fun.

I especially love these photos because I’m wearing my paternal grandfather’s fedora. That man was always a sharp dresser! He always had a sense of style.

My Grandfather, David Vito Streno (center) dressed to the nines @ The Keansburg boardwalk.
My Grandfather, David Vito Streno (center) dressed to the nines @ The Keansburg boardwalk.

Photos: joe streno by charlie maraia